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This Week @ 39Serenity Place

Writer's picture: SueL SueL

Hi Everybody, 

A quick note to update everyone about clubhouse events !   Actually a lengthy note ......

Tuesday Night New Years Eve the Clubhouse will be open all day and through midnight!  Sarah and Mike R. want to see the ball drop at midnight along with Char and a few others!!  Kenny B suggested Alkathon  for 24 hours... so if people stop in and need a meeting, it will happen.  The Tuesday Night 7:30 Meeting is still on.   Most likely we will serve pizza and wings Tuesday Night.  Some people will be going to Canton for the AA Mtg and Dance . If you need a ride let us know. 

We will also be open all on New Years Day all day. Dinner is at 2 pm and right now that is a surprise!!  We have two turkeys but people are tired of turkey dinner so we will figure it out by then. Show up with a dish to pass if you can!!

The Saturday Night Movie this week , January 4th at 2 pm  is:  When a Man Loves A Women. There is always something to eat and of course we all know how to make the popcorn so no worries there!  Last week we watched Clean and Sober and had a great discussion    following the movie . Please encourage new people to attend as the movies really address the beginning stages of sobriety. If you are an old timer it is a good reminder of the early struggles.  Hope to see you all there  this Saturday. We are steady with 12-15 attendees every week.  

There will be a Sunday Dinner after the 1 pm AA Meeting this week  and then many of us  will examine our waistlines!  We have been celebrating a lot this past 6 weeks with Holiday& Anniversaries  & Sunday Dinners.  Lots of cakes cookies candy , chips  etc  along with the dinner!!  We still have two gallons Ice Cream thanks to Ice Cream Steve!  This past Sunday we had left overs  along with turkey Soup that Sue L made and Macaroni and Cheese from Darlene and potato salad from Michelle P.  We cleaned out the fridge to make room for this week and put quite a dent in the desserts!  It was a busy day  with two cards games going, nail painting, football games and side conversations.  

Sue L made Lazagna and Delma W. made a fantastic soup  for Christmas Eve and 30 people showed up for dinner . We were not expecting such a large crowd but had a great time and had very little cleanup with hardly any food left over!!  Marie & Louise T. supplied the pies and brownies for dessert and also brought a beautiful Pointsettia  for the table.  Danny L said grace  and thanks to Joe S for cleaning up and getting the kitchen ready for Christmas Day dinner.  I almost forgot to thank Char B, Randy B, Michelle P and Willie M for setting up the clubhouse for Christmas Eve.  There was a lot of cleaning and setting up tables and snacks etc before we even got there.   After the 730 AA meeting  people hung around for quite some time.  I just cant remember what they did!   On Christmas Day 25 people showed up for dinner and stayed all day.  We had two turkeys, ham and all kinds of sides dishes and dessert. Thanks to all of the cooks  Darlene, Heidi A., Delma W. Carol H., Sue L, Willie M., Michelle P., &  Sara M.. We also can't forget the dessert contributions,  Thanks Marie & Louise T and Randy B. & Danny L. Sue L. loved Randy's cookies so much she hid a few for herself!! by the way if you haven't heard about the $80.00 turkey donation from  Marie & Louise ... ask us about it.  It is a great story.Thanks to Louise for saying grace.  Also welcome to Elion . Again I forgot.... Michelle  organized a White Elephant game with the gifts Becki B. wrapped and gave to the clubhouse. We had a lot of fun and the cranberry candle was the hit of the game! Thanks for organizing that Michelle and thanks for the gifts Becki B. Also thanks for the goodie bags  Michelle P and Randy B put together for everyone. Many of us enjoyed the treats . This year was fantastic because so many people helped

Sunday December 22 was a real busy day as well.  Many people got up early to go hear Mike R. speak at the Sunday Morning Canton Meeting.  Then they all came back to the Clubhouse for the 1 pm Sunday Meeting and 2 pm dinner. . Sure can't remember what we ate but we did keep it simple given all the cooking we were doing the coming week.  Apologies to anyone who did the cooking,  I am sure it was good!!  We held the drawing for the Vera Bradley Bags.  Angela M, Paul R. and Jill P all were all winners.  Gaetan R. won the bike. We were all set to draw the bike and Gaetan bought ten tickets !  We did mix up the tickets after his last minute purchase.   Thanks to everyone who help sell tickets and to Randy B. and Anonymous  for the donations.  Also Lois J. donated two beautiful ornaments to the clubhouse. 

We have been very blessed in the last two weeks with significant donations from John & Sue B , St. Johns Episcopal Church ,and Gay & John Feeley. Thank-you for your generosity .  Many of us are overwhelmed with the gifts the clubhouse has received in the last 6 weeks.   We also received a huge donation from the food bank and distributed all kinds of food to our members.  There was a banquet table piled high with food and every bit of it was taken.  Danny L has always said our HP is running the show and the clubhouse will succeed if he/she  wants it to.  I think he is right.

January 26 Sara M will celebrate 25 years at at the Sunday 1pm Meeting and Lois J will be speaking for her.  Congrats Sara.   Naturally dinner cake and ice scream to follow. Carl C. is also celebrating in January.  No details yet but should have an update next week.  Many of us will be going to the Salt City Round up in February , if anyone wants to go talk to Sue or Danny L.  We will follow up with Renewal House presentation in January and resume Craft Night at the Womens Mtg.  We will also be setting up the giving tree for clubhouse supply donations. We have already  received some from Sue & John B.Thanks.  

Finally, we will be scheduling a work day at the clubhouse to clean up all the rooms.  Please consider volunteering to help us out. Randy B. and Michelle B. already started packing up all of the decorations.  We appreciate it  thanks for starting.

 Whew this is Exhausting..... More next week....  


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By Sue L.

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