Hi Everybody,
I missed last weeks update so lots to report again... sit down John F. this may take a while! Lets hope this snow doesn't last too long , we were thinking some people may want to eat outside on Sundays... it will be in the fifties so maybe in May!
This Sunday April 24 we will serve dinner after the 1pm AA Meeting. Ham Dinner is on the menu. Does anyone want to volunteer coordinate the meal? Sue L has the sliced ham so it is just the side dishes left to coordinate and the dessert to with the ice cream. Let Sue L know right away John F. and Danny L. Of course there will be card games going on because Gaeton R. and Danny L. make sure that happens every week. There will also be a movie : The Way Back with Ben Affleck. Another great recovery movie if you haven't seen it. Maybe Kenny B will lead us in discussion ... maybe! See everyone Sunday!
Last Sunday, Easter Day ,we had a nice crowd after the 1 pm AA Mtg. We served 24 meals and 7 take outs There was lots of food and it was gone by the end of the day. Thanks Willie M for always making a great salad ,and helping every Sunday to set up for the meeting and meals. In addition to all the food we had some great desserts: thanks to Delma W. who made apple crisp, Eric F. who made chocolate banana cake and Hannah H. who made awesome oreo balls ! That is of course accompanied by Ice Cream Steve's 6 half gallons of ice cream. Michelle P organized the Easter Egg Hunt. This year we did something different, we asked Carson S. to find all the eggs and distribute them to everyone. He did and at the end of the hunt we gave Carson a huge basket of stuff and candy... we think he liked it. We also raffled off four Easter Baskets Michelle P made and a large basket of cleaning supplies donated by Karen M. Sylvie M. , Peter, Michelle P. and someone else!! won the Easter Baskets. Colin won cleaning Supplies basket and was pretty excited. Once that was over the crowd thinned out, Gaeton R. showed up and the card games started. It was great to see Fr. Mark , Hannah H, Eddie S., Pat, Geisila , Joseph, Bob M. Eric and Peter at the dinner. We are also glad to see Michelle P., Doug K, and Danny L are all feeling better. Thank-you to Josh S. & Sylvie M for cleaning up the kitchen and David D. for recovering the grill and garbage bin from the wind storm.
Two Sundays ago we had a great meal Delma W. put together. She made an awesome Potato soup, Baked beans, Karen brought goulosh and desserts and Jim R. brought the hawaiin rolls! We had a smaller crowd of about 12 people but the food disappeared anyway! We also picked the Basket Raffle winners. Angie D., Lois J., Kathleen M, Willie M., Ruthann R., Delma W. and Karen M.were all winners. Congrats everyone and thanks to everyone who purchased tickets. We raised 300.00 and were able to use some of that money for our Easter dinner and Egg hunt. Thank-you Karen M it was a successful fundraiser. Also on that Sunday we had the Pitch Tournament that started at 11 am., broke for the meeting and lunch and resumed at 3pm. Even though we had a lot of set backs due to personal emergencies , those that played had a good time. Gaeton R. and Carol H were the big winners. I think Pam B and Char B. had the most fun while Danny L and Karen M really wanted to win ... losers!! David D. and Delma W. also played. Sue L lost her partner to an emergency . The winners received bragging rights . Next year maybe there will be a prize. Still trying to get Dusty R. to join us for cards and to bring the doughnuts!!
Don't forget the Cricket Class is scheduled for May 7 and will be taught by Darcy F. and her twin sister. We have a few spaces left if anyone would like to join us. Call Sue L. to reserve your spot. WE will begin planning others activities and fundraisers in a week. Some of us need to take a breather this week! If you have any suggestions or ideas we are all ears! Camping and a Garage sale are definitely on the horizon but we would like to know what people want to do.
Attendance at the Clubhouse Meetings are picking up. See the list below if you would like to attend. Anyone who wants to start a meeting let us know.
Mondays @ 4:30 PM Al-Anon ; Al-Anon Step Work 5:30 PM
Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm PM AA Open
Wednesdays @ 5:00 pm Woman's Mtg.
Thursdays @ 11:30 am Living Sober AA Group
Thursdays @ 6:00 PM Alanon
Saturday @ 11:30 am NA Mtg
Sundays @ 1:00 Pm AA Open
Tuesday Noon on line Al-Anon Meeting.
On Line Meetings . Monday - Friday at 7:00 PM go to website for log in detail.
Finally a reminder the Clubhouse is intended to be a a safe environment for people trying to stay sober. Please keep that in mind when at the clubhouse.
More next week......