Hi Everyone,
Even though it is officially Mud Month, we hope everyone is enjoying this nice warm weather for a few days. The sun sure makes everyone smile for a minute... We have decided it is in everyone's best interest to require masks while in the clubhouse. We want to do what is good for everyone and ask that you consider what is safe for others not just yourself. Thank-you for cooperating.
This Sunday March 20 at the 1 pm AA mtg., Darcy F. is celebrating one year in the program. Congrats Darcy. Willie M is also celebrating his 70th Birthday!! on Sunday and is cooking a Fried chicken Meal with Mac & Cheese . Ice cream Steve is still bringing ice cream ( we are down to four containers) and of course there will be a celebration cake. We will even let Mari cut a corner piece for herself!! Hope you all come out to celebrate both milestones..... Of course there will be a card game afterwards and maybe a movie, The Way Back with Ben Affleck, depending on the interest.
Last week was busy. Michelle P and Sue L continued the cleaning quest upstairs and have really made some progress. The Meditation room is now available for use and the Store floor has been located! There is more work to do but again if anyone wants to help we are welcoming all volunteers! Then Last Saturday only three people showed up for the movie because of the weather so instead of watching it Willie M, David D. and Sue L. shampooed the downstairs carpets and stairs, steam cleaned the kitchen floor and reorganized the meeting room. No thanks needed , we thanked ourselves and went out to dinner when we were finished!!
Last Sunday we celebrated Danny L.'s and David D.'s Anniversaries and what a great turnout of support. John F. did a fantastic job telling his story and Josh S. presented Danny with his coin. Thanks Josh and John. It was a wonderful surprise to see Louise T., Mari, Lois J. & Adam F.. Welcome to everyone. Blyane F. cooked a delicious Lazagna dinner and we did enjoy ice cream and cake afterwards. Sue L was serving the cake when Mari asked if she could cut her own piece...... because she wanted a corner piece... Sue L followed suit. and the corners were gone!! There was not a morsel of food left after the dinner. We had just enough food and cake for thirty people. Thanks to everyone who came out to support Danny and David. You bet there were cards games after dinner. In fact there were two tables of card players. While Lois J cleaned the kitchen by herself Thanks Lois
A reminder that we are still selling tickets for Karen M.'s Basket Raffle. If you haven't bought your tickets yet, there is still time. See Sue L or call the Clubhouse phone at 351-250-7410. Even if you don't win a basket, consider it a donation to the clubhouse . Win win . Also we received two anonymous donations last week totaling 400.00. Thanks Anonymous people. We appreciate the support.
There are two events in the works A Pitch Tournament scheduled for the second week in April . We have ten teams so far and would like two more to sign up. If you are interested let us know. We have no idea what the winners will receive.... we haven't thought the far ahead. Any suggestions? We have also tentatively scheduled Jane F.'s Quilt Runner Class for the second Saturday in April . The Quilt class is limited to six people and you must have an operating sewing machine. (We do have one or two extra machines if you do not have one.) If you are interested in either of these events let us know.
By the way we will serve Easter Dinner and will have more details next week. As always we will have our traditional Easter Egg Hunt. Let us know if you think you may attend so we can move locations if the number is large.
See the meeting list on our website A reminder that Al-Anon will start Step work on Mondays at 5:30 beginning the first week in April. Don't forget about our new Mtg. on Thursday at 11:30 am. : Living Sober and the New NA Mtg on Saturdays at 11:30 am
More next week.... great to see everyone last week