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This Week @ 39 Serenity Place

Writer's picture: SueL SueL

Happy Holidays Everybody,

Christmas Eve Dinner: 4pm St Mary's Social Hall : Lasagna, Caesar's Salad, Rolls, Pies and Cookies., We hear Becki B. is going to attend and there will be a game after dinner. If you would like to attend and have not notified us. Give Sue L a call. We have room to spread out and masks are required. So far we expect 17- 20 people and almost everyone had been boosted. Also, St John's Church has invited the Serenity House to their Christmas Eve Service for anyone who is interested. It is a quiet time to invite your HP into your life. The service is at 5pm . By the way we will be celebrating Josh S. 1 year Anniversary. Kenny B. will be giving him his coin and Danny L .will say a few words.

Christmas Eve Dinner: 2 pm St Mary's Social Hall : Turkey(gravy) and Ham, Scalloped and Mashed potatoes, Carrots, Willies famous Salad, Mac & Cheese, Stuffing, Baked Beans, Fruit Salad, Onion & Bean Salad, Deviled eggs, Rolls and lots of dessert including ice cream . And that's what we know about! If you can, please bring a dish to pass if you plan on attending . If you can't no worries. So far we have 16 people signed up with a few on the fence. Call Sue L if you would like to attend. Again we have plenty of room to spread out!! and mask are required.

Sunday December 26: We will be eating leftovers if there are any and celebrating Mike R.'s 3 year Anniversary at the 1 pm AA Meeting. After the meeting feel free to hang around and unwind ... I am sure there will be a card game or two after the meeting as Gaeton R. has assured us he will show up.. Fran F. is also celebrating two years as of Christmas Day. No information on a celebration date so stay tuned. Did we miss anyone else?

Thank-you to Seaway Valley Prevention Council ( and Bill D. for coordinating) for donating cleaning supplies, paper products, garbage bags. etc. This will certainly help this winter . Especially since times are tough because of Covid impact on our fundraising efforts. We did receive a 200 donation from from Baldwin Acres thanks to Char B. and also from Geisela , Sherri R. and Susan K. who sent us a checks totaling 95.00. and we have made a little money from Becki B's store . Thanks to everyone

Last Saturday Char B. held her Craft Fundraiser. Of course the weather and illness caused 6 people to cancel but the those of us who showed up had a great time and the ornaments were fantastic. Each of us left with a minimum of 6 ornaments not bad for $20.00 . We agreed we would like Char to hold another craft day sometime in January or February . Thanks for all the treats Laurel. Thanks Char.

Also last week Heather and Michelle P decorated the Clubhouse. It looks great and we appreciate the effort to decorate and clean the clubhouse for the holidays. Heather also offered to deep clean the Clubhouse. Thanks Heather and Michelle P. Also thanks to John F and Delma W for decorating the outside of the Clubhouse. It is great o have so many volunteers helping out.

Last Sunday we had a Spaghetti Dinner and salad thanks to Sue L. Ice Cream Steve kept us well stocked with a variety of flavors and Danny L made a cheese cake pudding. We know the food was good because we didn't have any leftovers!! Afterward, Danny L, Gaeton R., Delma W and Willie M played a quick card game and we closed up early. Welcome to Sheldon, Nick L, and Kayla. We are happy that you keep coming back...

Its that time of year where people are reaching out on a daily basis. A reminder to pass out the clubhouse phone number 315-250-7410 If someone needs a ride give us a call. We can make arrangements. Meetings are still being held at the clubhouse but if the numbers increase we will move the meetings to a safer location.

As a reminder: Meetings scheduled are: Mondays @ 4:30 PM Al-Anon ; Al-Anon Step Work 5:30 PM Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm PM AA Open Wednesdays @ 5:00 pm Woman's Mtg. Thursdays @ 6:00 PM Alanon Sundays @ 1:00 Pm AA Open Please join our online meetings. We need support. Monday - Friday at 7:00 PM - 39 Serenity Place - 39 Serenity Place - 39 Serenity Place - 39 Serenity Place (We use GoToMeeting, not Zoom, FYI. No codes or numbers needed) or use a phone and call in:

  1. Call: (669) 224-3412 or (312) 757-3117

  2. Access Code: 856-476-517#

  3. PIN: #

On Fridays we started reading the Twelve and Twelve. More next week.... we will be planning New Years Eve and Day events but no details yet.


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By Sue L.

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