Hi Everybody,
Newsflash: The Sunday 1pm Meeting at the Clubhouse is now open. Willie M. will open the meeting this Sunday July 18. We will serve subs afterwards so bring a dish to pass if you can. Josh S. will be helping bring up the chairs for outside eating unless it rains. As a back up : We have decided not to put up the tables but have put up TV Tables in between all chairs and the windows will be open in the middle room along with the fans. Michelle P. will be helping setup all the food. so thanks to these three in advance!
We received three large boxes of supplies from Stephanie & John G. . Thanks for all the paper good supplies, dish and hand soap etc. All of this helps so much with our expenses. We also received another call from the Salvation Army with more donations. It is amazing how our HP is looking out for us. We are beyond gratful for the support we have received from the community in the last few months.
We have a few anniversaries coming up Willie M., Delma W. and Lois J will be celebrating together the first week in August. As soon as we have a firm date we will pass it on so you can make plans to attend. Also, John F. will be ..... 50 this week! Wowser, you are officially old John.
Not much else to report. All of the meetings are going well and as Sunday becomes stable we will discuss adding another meeting. Until then don't forget about the Big Book Mtg on Line at 7pm on Fridays. Currently we are reading Living Sober. Go to our Website for log in information. Also don't forget the Clubhouse phone is back on. 315-250-7410
Mondays @ 4:30 pm Alanon
Tuesdays @ 7 Pm AA
Thursdays @ 6:00 pm Alanon
Sundays @ 1:00 pm AA
More next week.....