HI Everybody,
There is good new to share about the clubhouse!!!
Darcy F and Sue L submitted a grant proposal for Meetings with Meals and were awarded a 1,000 grant! The program will focus on preparing budget friendly nutritious meal ,a 12 step meeting followed by dinner. We will send the next month planning so watch for news for a start date. We anticipate this Fall we will be ready to go! If you have ideas and would like to help with the planning let Sue L know ASAP!
The other good news is that we purchased a new Clubhouse Phone. the number remains the same: 315-250-7410. If you would like to volunteer to take the phone for a month let us know . We are in search of volunteers.
So far the meetings at the clubhouse are well attended. So we anticipate bringing on another meeting soon. We have ordered more AA literature but we are holding off on a schedule until we are fully up and running. Should we open up the Sunday meeting at 1:00 pm since it is no longer on line or the Big Book Meeting on Friday night? Right now the group is reading Living Sober and those books would be available to people attending the meeting. Until then the Meetings are as follows:
Monday @ 4:30 pm Alanon
Tuesdays @ 7 pm AA
Thursday @ 6:00PM Alanon
Thanks to all the Clubhouse members and people who have supported the Clubhouse we are in good shape to reopen. Thanks everyone
More next week