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This Week @ 39 Serenity Place

Writer's picture: SueL SueL

Hi Everybody, 

Christmas is less than a week away so  we thought it would be a good idea to spread the word about Christmas Eve and Day dinner times!!  Everyone is welcome to join us on both days . Christmas Eve dinner is at 5pm  . ( that's the 24!)   Lazagna , salad, and garlic bread is on the menu along with  some dessert just not sure what yet!. Although we will have ice cream thanks to Ice Cream Steve.  Michelle P. and Lois J have a present game all ready for anyone who attends. Thanks to Becki B who supplies all the gifts wrapped and ready to go !!    On Christmas Day , dinner will be served at 2pm.  Turkey and Ham along with all the side dishes will be served. This time we won't run out of food!  We have pumpkin &  apple pie and Danny L's cheesecake.  Please bring a dish to pass if you can. We already have scalloped and mashed potatoes, squash, beans, mixed vegetables, dressing , and sweet potatoes so anything else would be great. The doors will be open at noon and will remain open for anyone who wants to eat dinner, watch football, play cards or just hang around.  This is a place to stay sober!! 

This Sunday December 22 there will be a dinner after the 1pm MeetingSue L will coordinate with Darlene. So bring a dish to pass whatever it is rest assured it will be eaten.   We will have the drawing for the Bike and the 3 Vera Bradley Bags sometime on Sunday too so if you haven't gotten your ticket is the time to do it.  Tickets are five dollars each for anyone of the four items.   Each  bag set is worth $100 and the bike is valued at $200.  A great present to give to a family member, friend or better yet .... yourself! 

Movie Night ( daytime) is  still on at 2pm this Saturday December 21.   We will be showing 28 Days. This  is is a great way to unwind from all the Holiday stress. Kenny B. leads a great discussion after the movie and as always there is food to go around.  Usually pizza and of course popcorn!   We have been averaging about 15 people and have a lot more room if you want to pop in. Last week we watched Pay It Forward  which touched  both Al-Anon and AA/NA attendees. Thanks to Sue and John B. for the pizza and treats last week.  Danny L really enjoyed his four pieces of pizza....... but who's counting Sue L! 

On Wednesday packages were prepared by Clubhouse members for 45 people in Transitional Living. Thanks to Michelle P who coordinated the effort and Lois J and Randy B who  helped prepare all the package.  We provided, shampoo conditioner, lotion, soap, chap stick, kleenex,  band aides , q-tips, and a comb . We even threw in a good book to read from our collection upstairs.  Sue & Danny L delivered the packages to Bill D. who coordinated the project from many organization donations.  When we help others we help ourselves. 

Thanks for all the work Michelle, Lois, & Randy.

Last Saturday many of attended Rebecca T.s Anniversary at the Former LuLu's Restaurant.  What a great place for an Anniversary. 

A large kitchen  and serving area, plenty of room for a meeting and a dance afterward. And plenty of Parking!!  Tom S. and Kenny B. both were the speakers. Kenny B reminded us that all roads lead to  our HP through the work we do in the program to stay sober. Many people stayed after for the dance and those of us "Older folk"  left when the music was too loud!! Congratulations on 35 years Rebecca. 

The next day we celebrated two more anniversaries at the 1 pm AA mtg.  Congratulations to Mike R. and Darlene on their ONE YEAR 

Anniversary!   Danny L spoke and reminded us that  gossip and negativity will spread through the community and affect us all  whether we know it or not. Its best to not pick up the energy...   people are still talking about his message this week so I guess

many of us have a lot to think about and change.  The ham and Scalloped Potato Dinner was delicious thanks to Willie M and Michelle P. who did all the cooking and Heidi A who provided the side dishes. Although we told her not to, Darlene couldn't help herself and brought a pan of baked Ziti. Thanks for the ham Bob F.   And of course in addition to the Cakes...  Ice cream Steve A.did not disappoint.  On a side note, ask Danny about his new mug from Mike R. !! Nice to see so many people like David D.,Charlie C. Sandy W. and Dan C.....   

Michelle P continues to clean the clubhouse but won't refuse any help that comes her way!  Carl C. is still cleaning the popcorn machine and Lois J. and Randy B have been popping in to help keep the clubhouse open.  Tom S. will be asking people to help after the first of the year to help with this effort. 

We have forgotten about the giving tree for the clubhouse. We have decided to leave the tree up and put the  giving mittens on after the holidays.  Be thinking about what you could donate.. paper towels ,garbage bags and toilet paper are always need but we can also use sugar, salt & pepper,  light bulbs, etc..    

It has been a good year for the clubhouse. We will do the year in review next week. Thanks to all . Have a safe and happy holiday and remember , the Clubhouse is there for you stressful holiday times!!!

More next week 


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By Sue L.

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