Hi Everybody,
Hope everyone had a good week . We did at the Clubhouse! This weekend promises to be a lot of fun as well. Stop in and see what we are all about.
This Sunday is Easter and we have planned an Easter Egg Hunt that begins at 2pm after the 1 pm AA Meeting. We are trying to make it harder than the last two years so put on your sneakers and get ready to search. At 3:00 pm we will sit down to a Ham and Scalloped Potato Dinner thanks to the donation from Bob F. Carol H is travelling home in time for dinner and we hope she makes one of her famous desserts. Especially since we think Ice Cream Steve A. is gone until the fall. Anyone want to take his place for the summer? The Clubhouse will be open all day so if you already have plans stop in anytime. Gaetan assures us he will be there to play cards.
Have you checked out the Website? We keep adding new features thanks to John B. This week we added a new feature for people to contact us if they need rides to meetings. That idea came from Pat S. who asked us to help him find someone to open the Saturday Night NA mtg. Even though Pat found someone before we did...thanks for asking Pat. The clubhouse can serve many purposes . We were happy to help. 39serenity place.com . There is are information on the Clubhouse bulletin board about the website and the Guest Wifi. Look for the banner on the website which announces upcoming events !
Sue B is helping us network at the many Opiod and Awareness meetings and in the area. If you would like to represent the Clubhouse at any of these meetings let Sue L. know. We are also putting a traveling team together than can set up information tables at all of these events. Please consider being of service in this capacity. Thanks Sue B. we love all of your ideas.... now to start the planning....
Next Saturday April 27 we are having another Pancake Breakfast ( see attachment) from 8-11 am. Thanks to Lois J for the idea. Lois is spearheading a bottle and can drive to help the Clubhouse. Please bring any empties you have as a donation. Back by popular demand are cooks John B and Michael D. who will be making pancakes again ! We still have the Bill Wilson Story running all morning . If you have never seen it, it is very interesting. Actual footage of Bill W. talking. Delma W. has informed us she has $4.75 in bottle returns. Not to be out done John F. has $4.76.. We are off to a good start. John F. like s to win so if you have more than that let us know so we can challenge John . !
The next day April 28 Back to Basics begins. (see attachment) thanks to presenters Becki B. and Kenny B. Although we have people signed up to attend, no registration is required. Bring you big Book if you have one. We will have a break for lunch so if you want to bring a dish to pass, feel free to do so however it is not required.
Last Sunday we finally had our Pizza and Wing Dinner and it was great. The wings were gone in a flash soon followed by the pizza and then the ice cream!! We can't forget Darlene's salad and Becki B.s casserole. When all the food disappears... you know it is good. Thanks for that 100.00 donation. We used every penny of it ! Gaetan R. and his card playing buddies we on hand and it was great to see Lori S. pop in and Annabel ,Sylvie M.too! We had a few new people at the meeting who promise to return and eat dinner with us in the next few weeks. We hope they do.
The Women"s meeting should be starting soon. The person who is organizing it would like to do early evening. ..maybe 5:30- 6pm? What do people think ?
We are hoping to get that off the ground in May sometime. Don't forget we will be camping fro Memorial Weekend and if anyone wants to stay overnight we have extra tents. Contact Danny L. to make arrangements. That long awaited Craft class should be finalized soon.... I know you will believe when it happens! the Garage Sale is next on the list. If you or your friends have donations , let us know we have great storage!
Finally we have news on some of our clubhouse members. Becki B. will relocating to Ohio in June.. we will miss all of her food donations and help in the Store. Thanks for all the help and support Becki. We hear Sarah M is up and around and feeling better from her hip surgery and Bill D. is engaged. Congrats!! Our friend Jason W. is in the hospital in Burlington and could use all your prayers . there is a card at the clubhouse if you want to pop in and wish him well.
More next week. .....