Hi Everybody,
We survived last week thanks to all the volunteers helping us get through! Even John F was on hand to help out.....
The Golf Tournament was a great success. We raised $3,000 for the clubhouse and the owner of the Golf Course said it was very well run for the first time. He believes we can double in size in next year so thanks Danny L and Bill D. for putting it all together. Especially Danny L. who did a lot of the footwork the past three months and once again listened to the naysayers and forged ahead anyway!! The volunteers were awesome . Lori S & Mike R. along with Keeley ( Rebecca T.'s Granddaughter) spent the day driving around refreshments to the golfers. Mike R. did get lost a few times but managed to find his way back after a while.!! Thanks to Sylvie M who ran the Registration desk like a pro and to Char B. who did the 50/50 and Willie M ran the Silent Auction. Sara M and Char B. also put together all the pictures of the golfers.. Rebecca T. took amazing pictures , developed them and purchased frames. Louise T. acted as MC for the Banquet and did a great job talking about the Clubhouse and its beginnings. Hats off to Char B. who organized the prizes, cleaned up and carried a majority of supplies to the cars. We also would like to recognize many Clubhouse Golfers who paid to play to support the Clubhouse and brought other people to play too. Louise & Marie T., Delma W., Karen M., Mike D., Eddie S., George M., Danny L, Bill D., Mark S. & John F.. Alexis even popped in with her kids to say hi. By the way Danny L loved the Pink shirt he was presented by a clubhouse member as a Thank-you ! Thanks Everyone Oh by the way, we have a mtg scheduled for Noon on Sunday to discuss the golf tournament and suggestions for improvements. Please try to attend o if you were part of this event.
The Garage Sale was also a great success. We made 600.00 which is unbelievable since we did not sell anything over 5.00 ( except one item) Of Course Lois J.was there heading up the clothing area , along with Melissa who was organizing everything else. That was Wednesday. On Thursday Lois, Sue and Melissa worked at the garage sale and then on Friday Char B., Laurel R., Delma W., Sandy W. Lois J, and Michelle P.& Sara M were all there helping out the entire day. After we closed we all went for Chinese Food and left he restaurant exhausted. On Saturday Michelle P. Char B. Delma W. Sandy W. and Sue L were at it again bright and early with intentions of closing by 3 pm. That did not work out as people kept coming and coming. We ended up closing at 5 pm exhausted and decided to go to Pizza Hut for dinner . We called Rebecca T. and she joined us as she popped in and out of the garage sale all three days. We left the restaurant exhausted again!! This was probably our last garage sale for a while .........
On Sunday Carl C. opened up the 1 pm AA Meeting and we think Darlene dropped off food. Whoever it was thank-you. When we returned back from the tournament Bob M. was sitting there waiting to play cards and also for the AA Veterans Mtg. So you won't believe this but Gaetan R, Char B, Delma W and Danny L. all played cards at the Clubhouse after the event. Craziness!!
We are going to take it easy for a few weeks before gearing up for October activities. That starts October 2 when we will travel to Saranac Lake to move furniture into a shed , eat homemade chili, and maybe go down by the water. A few weeks later, we are travelling to the Bill Wilson's House in Vermont where we will attend a mtg, eat lunch and visit the graveside. The trip is spectacular this time of year. Many people have signed up for these activities but here is room for more. On Saturday October 26 we will be holding a work day at the Clubhouse with Alcoa Employees who will be helping us make building improvements. If you have suggestions, please attend the mtg. scheduled for sometime soon!! Yet to be scheduled but coming soon
There is more.... I just talked to Rebecca T. who is organizing a Craft Day making T-shirt & designs. We are hoping one of those designs will be picked for the new t-shirts we will order for the clubhouse. They may not be purple but purple will definitely be on the shirts. After all, John F. missed out last time because he just couldn't wear purple. We will decide a date after the Men's & Women's Mtg Thursday night... watch for the details so you can be part of this activity.
There is a dinner this Sunday after the 1pm AA Mtg. Spaghetti and Meatballs and we hope Willie M's famous salad . Can someone make dessert Carol H? I am sure Gaetan R. will stroll in sometime during the day and a game of cards will start almost instantly. Maybe those of us hanging around can start a list of things to clean up in the clubhouse! Michelle P has already started cleaning out and organizing closets!! in addition to her weekly commitment of cleaning the bathrooms and vaccuming the rugs. Thanks Michelle
Finally we are excited with the momentum of the Clubhouse and want to thank everyone who is pitching in and helping. If you have never visited the clubhouse pop in... there is always w something going on!
More next week.......