Hi Everybody,
Its that time again.... almost made it to week 4 with timely newletters. Almost but not quite according to John F and Eddie G. They like the shorter newsletters for obvious reasons.... By the way Welscme to Randy W and Leata who have joined the Clubhouse. Both have already started volunteering to help out. Thanks. We appreciate your time.
This Sunday March 10, Danny L will celebrate 23 years and Jabu will celebrate 1 year at the 1 pm AA Meeting. We will serve Spaghetti Dinner after the meeting and enjoy a homemade cake thanks to Stacey S. We hope Ice Cream Steve locates the Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream, The Pie Man David brings his treats and Pat O brings his fudge... cause Brisk Tea Brian said we are all out. Funny thing about Brisk Tea Brian, he lets us know when we are out of Brisk Tea and fudge! Dave B. from the Patti and Dave Team is Speaking . Dave always has some great words of wisdom when he speaks so we can't wait to hear what he has to say. Hope to see many of you there to support Jabu and Danny L on their anniversaries. And remember Patti & Dave bring the doughnuts!!
Easter is right around the corner.... we will serve Easter Dinner on March 31 after the 1pm AA Mtg . Please sign up at the Clubhouse if you will be joining us and bring a dish to pass if you can. Yes we will serve ham and scallopped potatoes . Sharon M. from Potsdam will be the monthly Speaker and has agreed to speak Easter Day. Thanks Sharon. Every year there is a version of an Easter Egg Hunt and probably will be the same this year. We learned from Angie D not to make it to obvious though as she found all the eggs within two minutes! Remember that Angie?
We have scheduled the Saturday Movie for April 6 at 1:30 pm. after the NA meeting. We will be showing the Bill Wilson Story and will select movies each month based on addiction/recovery. Kenny B will lead a short discussion right after the movie. Bring snacks if you can. There will be popcorn and sodas are only .50 cents. Lois J is great at finding movie selections for us to choose from so we hope she will do it again this year. We have also scheduled the Pitch Tournament for the First week in April. We have lots of pitch players so grab your partners and sign up at the clubhouse. We haven't determined the winning prize but for any doubters out there it will not be money !!
Last week was the week of volunteers. First Randy W and Jonathan S helped Sue L clean the Community Center in Massena as we receive a donation each month for our efforts. Thanks Randy and Jonathan. Then Stacey S and Curtis H helped served Lunch at the Methodist Church with Sue L and we received a Sunday dinner for our efforts. Thanks Stacey and Curtis. The next day Leata volunteerd to keep the Clubhouse open a couple of days a week We ran right out and made her a key! Thanks Leata. Pat O is making us a shelf for our Laptop so that we can keep the laptop off the chairs and avoid potential disaster. Thanks Pat. On Sunday Kaitlyn S and Randy W helped clean up after the Sunday dinner. Thanks Kaitlyn and Randy. Doug K has been pulling double duty opening on Tuesday afternoons for Jim R and Saturday afternoons for the NA Meeting. Thanks Doug K. Delma W. has returned the soda bottles and keeps us supplied at the coffee station on a weekly basis . Thanks Delma W. And finally Char B and Sue L counted all the soda money, wrapped the coins which Char depoisted in the bank. Thanks Char B. Also last week the clubhouse was open all day Wednesday and Thursday as Danny L and Gaeton R.set up card games. Thanks Gaeton R and Danny. I wondered if thatg weas rally volunteering to keep the clubhouse open?....By the way, Randy W is now a pitch player!!
Last Sunday we enjoyed a Baked Ziti dinner/Breakfast Foods thanks to Karen M. Set up was fairly easy. Sue L. made a salad, set out the rolls and butter and set up the warming pans for the Baked Ziti. Stacey and Curtis brought over the breakfast food . Delma W brought in a lemon cake, The Pie Man David brought breads ( no pie?) and Ice Cream Steve did his thing. Last but not least, Patti & Dave brought the doughnuts which by the way werre gone before the mtg ended!! Thanks to The Pie Mans observations, he has determined that clubhouse members love lemon desserts. Interesting hint for any potential dessert contributors . Anyway there were so many people playing pitch we had two tables going. Don't ask me who won. I don't know . Gaeton R., Danny L, Curtis H ,Stacey S, Steve, Austin Sue L, Jonathan S., David D ,and Delma Wall played.
Don't forget we have Zoom capability for any mtg. If you want to join us via zoom call the clubhouse number or stop in for the codes. Some groups have already started getting attendees and it is working well. Also, its that time of year again that we are collecting Dues for the 2024 year. This is optional, however it is what made it possible for us to move to a bigger building as expenses have increased. So if you have the money we would appreciate your donation. See Sue L for details.
Have you heard of some clubmembers success lately? Eddie G finally secured a position in the Bronx as a Recovery Coach. He is on the streets every day helping people. Good work Eddie! Dave H was just promoted to Assistant Produce Manager at Price Chopper in a short amount of time. Congrats Dave and Jonathan S has secured two jobs after six weeks of searching he is working at BJ's and McDonalds. Way to hang in there Jonathan. The Promices .......
Don't forget about the AA mtg on Tuesdays at 7pm. Lots of newcomers walk through the door and it would be good to have some Oldtimers there . Also the NA mtg on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm . Dave H started this mtg the beginning of the year and is looking for support. Spread the word.
More next week.... I'm sure of it !!!