Hi Everybody ,
Its been a long time.... and it might just a bit longer until we are able to open the Clubhouse . The Board has decided we cannot open until we have certain safety measures in place. So we are currently working on protocol to ensure everyone's safety and also to follow the NYS guidelines which must be in place before the doors can open. Get ready for some changes .....
First everyone who enters the clubhouse will be required to wear a mask, wash their hands and sign in including a telephone number. These three steps are essential and protects everyone . You will not have to use your last name but a phone number will be required in order to do contact tracing if needed. Masks will be provided for anyone who does not have one . Remember the mask is to protect yourself and others. There are people out there who are asymptomatic and unknowingly pass it on... We are also requiring people to wash their hands at the kitchen sink before entering any other rooms. You can also expect to complete a brief questionaire before entering and will be updated on that at a later date. That is just to enter the building....
Second the rooms will be marked off for social distancing but we are not sure how that will look right now. Virtual attendance at meetings will be available. The clubhouse will have to be sanitized after each use and a check list will be provided to ensure all areas have been cleaned. We will be using paper products from now on for coffee and snacks and hope to be using sugar packets and individual creamers etc. There might be a few more requirements so go with the flow and be flexible... ..
Third, the social aspect of the clubhouse is a dilemma and we are trying to figure out this piece of the puzzle. It may take a while and will certainly depend on many factors . We do not want to rush into anything and risk the safety of our members.
That's the initial update . Be assured we will contact everyone once we can open the doors . So stay tuned for an opening date.
Other news.... The clubhouse is not taking in an revenue . Some people have donated money and we have raised enough to pay the rent for two months. If you have a few extra dollars please send it our way. We have lost all our major fundraisers for the rest of the year and it is a big hit to the budget. Thanks to all the members who have donated already. If you would like to drop off a check or cash call Sue L or John b to make arrangements. John B has also set up a paypal account as well.
Becki B has continued to work on the store and has set up a boutique with all name brand clothes. Although the details have yet to be ironed out, sometime in the near future she will be setting up a " Garage Sale" . Covid 19 Style !! Watch for details.
Brittney H. a 16 year old who has been affected by the disease, used her birthday money to make three Sanitizing kits for members of the clubhouse. They are packed full of sanitizing products, masks and cholorox wipes. Personally I would like to keep all three for myself they are so nice! If you are in need of a kit contact Sue L. and a big thanks to Brittany for her generosity and thoughfulness. I will post a picture on FB. so you can get a glimpse of what is available in each kit.
Last Thursday a group of us attended a sunscreen protection program on Zoom . It was provided by a Get Healthy program in St Lawrence County. About ten of us attended the program and to our surprise learned quite a bit about sun safety.. including many myths. WE received sun screen samples, sunglasses and lip saver, a sunscreen dispenser, two umbrella for our outdoor tables, and a Canopy for all of our out door activities at the clubhouse . If you are interested in earning more and need sunglasses and sunscreen call Sue L.
Although not an organized Clubhouse activity, a group of us have been going to picnics are Barnhardt Beach on Sundays after the 1 pm Sunday Meeting. Darlene usually makes subs and the rest of us fill in with salads and chips etc. Its bring your own beverage and lawn chair and we bring gloves and sanitizer and paper products. So far everyone has been great about social distancing , wearing masks and getting food one at a time. We hope to be going again in the near future. It is word of mouth so if you would like to go attend a meeting to find out about the details... or call one of us. As an added bonus Beck B has been developed games that we play at the end of the picnic. So far we have had a blast and she assures us she has more to play games lined up. On August 2nd we will celebrate Delma's Anniversary... just not sure of the details yet. I almost forgot, Karen M did treat us one Sunday to pizza on the grill it was delicious. Thanks to all that continue to support he clubhouse in their own way.
On a final note, this has been very difficult on many of our members who were not able to remain sober. If you have not heard from someone in a while, pick up the phone to see how people are doing. It is sure taking a toll on many people. Even some of the people who have been around a while are even struggling with depression. It does not take long for depression to set in, then isolation, then your mind takes over and the thought turns into action and the action becomes a habit.... and then it becomes your destiny.
More next week.......