"AA Meeting Online"
Monday - Friday
7:00 PM
If using a ...
Mobile Device or Tablet
Download the Mobile Goto App first, click, 'Goto App'. You only need to do this download once.
Then return to this page and click, 'Start Online Meeting'
Desktop/Laptop Computer
Click 'Start Online Meeting'
Then, in the new window, click on 'Join the Meeting'​ or 'Continue in Browser'
If you choose 'Join the Meeting' you may be prompted to download the desktop version of the App. Follow the prompts. It is easier to choose 'Continue in Browser'.
Avoid starting the meeting from the App and entering the access code. This gets complicated. This is not Zoom. Only the web address is needed. Click on
Access Code if needed is: 856-476-517
Call/dial: (312) 757-3117 or (866) 899-4679
If using a smart phone, click on the phone number above and the phone number and access code will be automatically dialed for you.
Enter Access Code if needed: '856-476-517#'
Enter PIN when prompted: '#'.
If you do not, your microphone will not work.​ A PIN is like a password. There is no PIN so enter '#'
To mute/unmute micorphone, type or press '*6', or use the mute button on your phone.